Day by Day cartoon

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Thursday Three Responsibility- or Blame!

Well, its true, I did submit the Thursday Three questions to the originator of this most memorable and thriving meme. And, by doing so, I suppose I obligated myself to answering the questions. If I proposed the questions, I must have considered answers for the questions, right?

Not so much actually. I will admit to having watched 0 hours of the current Olympic extravaganza on television. None. Nada. I even predicted to my lovely spouse that this summer’s coverage would be the least watched of any previous games unless of course the terrorists got lucky and found one well-attended event to disrupt and so far, thankfully, that hasn’t happened.

So, what is my favorite Olympic event to watch? If we consider the summer and winter games, as opened up by Terry, I think my favorite sport to watch is the winter downhill skiing. Downhill skiing is so fast and so capable of hurting the participants that it really gets my attention. Remember, I grew up in the birthplace of downhill skiing, Indiana, so I think that has much to do with my fascination with gravity and ice. In the summer games, I do like watching some track & field events, high jumping and pole vaulting in particular but I think my favorite sport to watch might be the rowing events. Other bloggers concerns about events that involve synchronized activities notwithstanding, I like watching these very trim and strong athletes pulling oars in a rhythm that really speeds them across the water.

Its curious too, when I think about it, that rowing is really one of those left coast, ivy league kind of things that I normally disdain as effete and not worthy of real men (and women) but in spite of that, I like watching it. Go figure.

My least favorite Olympic sport to watch? Its gotta be the synchronized swimming. Come on! That’s an Olympic sport? Its not one I would spend a minute of time watching on television. I don’t care much for the weightlifting either. Or wrestling.

If I were wearing a US Olympic team jacket, I’d like it if there was a shooting team member patch on it. That 10 meter air rifle and air pistol shooting is tough stuff and I wish I was capable of accuracy just a little bit as good as those shooters.

So there’s my Thursday Three inputs. Maybe I’ll even be able to get into the habit of answering this meme!

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